If you’re an employer, the last thing you want is for your business to be considered a toxic workplace. Stress and frustrations between team members can easily influence the entire mood of environment, reducing in damaged morale, lower productivity, and even the loss of valuable team members.
While we’re not management experts, one topic we can speak confidently on is the impact of workplace cleanliness on stress and morale. Workplace cleanliness is an issue management can address without any controversy, to realize a positive benefit that impacts all team members.
Many times – especially when a team is facing a big challenge with tough deadlines – the workplace environment can get a little trashy. This isn’t intentional, but with no one keeping on top of things, trash cans get full, break rooms get dirty, and the restrooms develop funky smells and worrying stains. Employees notice these things, and take them as a reflection of how much they’re valued and appreciated by management. While this is seldom a top concern, it’s the type of background stressor that can drag everyone down.
Understanding Commercial Cleaning: The Deep Clean
For the start up, office, or other business that’s gotten seriously behind in the housekeeping department, talking to a local commercial cleaning company about deep cleaning is a good first step. During deep cleaning, a team of skilled cleaning professionals do a top to bottom throughout cleaning of your facility. Walls are wiped down, carpets cleaned, trash removed, all hard surfaces are cleaned, sanitized, and disinfected – it’s a transformative process that leaves the workplace looking and smelling great.
Productivity, creativity and morale all increase when employees are working in clean, hygienic settings. Interpersonal issues won’t be cured by cleaning the workplace, but pleasant spaces do tend to lead to more pleasant behavior. Additionally, if you’re having clients or investors in your space, they’ll be much more impressed with your company when the space is tidy.