Springtime brings beautiful blossoming trees, flowers, and plants. For commercial cleaners in Massachusetts, this means that janitorial services need to amp up their dusting game. Ultimately, this is due to the abundant amount of pollen, dirt, and dust circulating around the office. Warmer weather means it’s time for employees to open up their office windows and letting the sun shine in. Additionally, people can track in the pollen and dirt from their shoes onto carpeted and hard floor surfaces. Keeping up with dusting is an essential component to a cleaning routine. Follow some of our tips to dusting!
Plan a schedule. Dust accumulates QUICKLY; Especially in warm climates with pollen circulating around. If a facility is busy with high foot traffic areas, surfaces can become covered in dirt and dust at a faster pace. Dust is a mixture of dirt, dead skin, hair, clothing fibers, and food particles. With more activity going on inside, it’s inevitable that large amounts of dust will buildup. Consider performing dusting tasks at least once a week. This should include all high and low surfaces. Don’t forget that dust lives on furniture too. For a more thorough dusting, plan on tackling these areas as well.
Use the proper tools. Collecting dust can go smoothly if you’ve got the right materials. Extendable and bendable dusting tools are clutch in hitting hard to reach and sneaky areas throughout the building. In addition, a step stool or small ladder comes in handy when cleaning the high areas (like the ceiling [fans and vents] and walls). HEPA vacuum cleaners are also essential and great tool to have during the spring season. Its high efficiency particulate air filters capture pollen and dirt while helping with air quality. Other items to use for an amazing dusting job are microfiber cloths, feather or synthetic fiber dusters, Swiffer brand tools, and damp cloths/rags.
Try out the professional techniques. Our first tip to dusting is to start with the high areas and then work your way down to the floor. Gravitational forces lead to dust falling to the ground upon being touched. Prepare for this by placing drop clothes onto desk surfaces and covering any areas to avoid dust from jumping from one spot to another. This will avoid having to do extra work and recleaning areas. When it comes time to dust desk surfaces, always remove objects and clutter first. Also, dust off the items you removed before placing back onto the desk. Don’t forget to clean your cleaning tools. Feather dusters should be shaken into trash bins. Microfiber and rags can be washed.
Turn dusting into a fun task. Turn on your headphones. Work with the beat. Dusting can be time consuming and it’s always fun and makes the time “go faster” when your hyper focused into the project you’re working on. Sometimes, music can help with that! Remember, dusting is a critical part of janitorial services. It should be kept up with consistently in order to maintain a germ free, healthy office atmosphere.
Are you interested in hiring a professional cleaning crew to handle your dusting needs in your office? Check out our 3 minute quick quote form. In a short amount of time, we can provide you a quote at no cost.
Give us a call if you’d like to meet with one of our team members based out of Weymouth, MA! 781-335-6900
“We don’t cut corners- We clean them!”