There are so many unanswered questions business owners are faced with as we go through the reopening process. It’s impossible not to think about liability: what happens if an employee contracts COVID-19 at work? This is an open question at this point. Legal and HR experts are currently trying to work through and prepare business owners for potential future difficulties, but as we all know, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
The best way to protect your employees from COVID-19 infection is to insist on strict adherence to social distancing guidelines, the provision of appropriate PPE, and an ongoing, active commitment to facility cleanliness.
Business owners are faced with the choice of having their current employees perform this cleaning, hiring a new employee or employees to do the cleaning, or hiring an office cleaning service in Westwood to do the job. While we do admit to having a horse in this race – we do a great job and we’re not ashamed to say so! – there are some things you need to know before having your current employees take on the cleaning duties.
First and foremost, your current employees already have a full-time job: the one you hired them to do. And while they may be great at that job, there’s no guarantee that your employees have the skill, aptitude and energy level that’s needed to perform office cleaning reliably.
Especially in the age of COVID-19, office cleaning requires more than running a vacuum around for a few minutes and dusting the windowsills. Surfaces need to be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Public areas and bathrooms need extra levels of attention, because these are potentially the most hazardous areas. When our team is working, they are on the go, actively cleaning your office from top to bottom systematically and thoroughly. Because they’re focused and professional, they do a great job in a fraction of the time it takes an unskilled worker to do the job half as well.