Right now, the essential workers you employ are experiencing a lot of stress and anxiety. Even with the most stringent social distancing measures in place, everyone’s worried about being exposed to COVID-19.
Person to person transmission is certainly an issue. But it’s not the only one. We’ve learned that the virus can remain on surfaces, and that people can become infected by touching surfaces with the virus on it and then subsequently touching their eyes, mouth, or nose.
The good news is that the coronavirus can be eliminated from surfaces by using the proper cleaning and disinfecting techniques. As our teams provide janitorial services in Raynham and other nearby communities, they’re thoroughly and diligently sanitizing door knobs, light switches, countertops, service areas, and all other surfaces that could potentially be hosting coronavirus. The CDC has provided guidance as to which type of products are most effective against COVID-19 and we are proceeding in compliance with that direction as well as industry best practices.
Regular, thorough cleaning is the best way to ensure that your essential workforce remains healthy and strong. Of course there is always the issue of emotional health & morale. During times like these, essential workers are in need of recognition and appreciation. Telling someone you care about them is nice. Demonstrating you care about them by bringing in Raynham janitorial services to keep everything clean and hygenic is better.
YES. Demand for janitorial services in Raynham and the surrounding areas has been high since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Luckily, we’ve had decades to build up a reliable team of cleaning professionals. Our priority is helping local business owners protect their essential workers by keeping the facilities clean and sanitized. Daily and weekly cleaning packages available. We also offer deep cleaning services for business owners who have been forced to close their doors for a time and want everything looking great when it’s time to reopen.