“Maybe I’m the office manager, but that doesn’t mean I like confrontation,” Brenda laughed. “In a perfect world, everyone would do their job properly, and I never would have to say anything about anything. But it’s not a perfect world, so I try to be gentle when I have to give direction. That’s the first time, anyway. If I have to mention things a second time, I’m not as happy. And there really shouldn’t be a third time. That’s why I was really upset with our last cleaning company. Our front lobby area is really the only area our customers are seeing right now. It’s the most visible part of our business. And yet despite that the cleaners just didn’t take care of the lobby. Sometimes it seems like they didn’t clean it at all. The last time I talked to the cleaner about it, he admitted he forgot. What can you do in that type of situation?”
As a janitorial service near Belmont, we can say we’ve heard stories like Brenda’s way too many times. Business owners are frustrated when their cleaning services don’t do a good job. They feel like they have no recourse or easy, stress-free ways to address issues and concerns.
That’s why we created our customer care center. For years, these friendly, skilled professionals have been there to field your calls, hear your concerns, and communicate with the appropriate team members to the issue is addressed immediately and completely. Whether the issue is a minor irritation or a major problem, our customer care team ensures it’s fixed. You never have to have a confrontation or conflict of any type. The experience is pleasant and stress free. Our objective as a janitorial service near Belmont is to ensure that you’re thrilled the appearance, cleanliness and hygiene of your facility. If there’s ever any issue, help is a phone call away.