Hardwood floors have luster, beauty and shine. Learn to care for your floors following our easy floor cleaning tips.
Hardwood floors should be cared for on a weekly basis. This requires a few handy tools: A Swiffer, broom (preferably with acrylic bristles) and a vacuum. Simply, sweep or dust all hardwood floors surfaces every day. Doing this prevents buildup of dirt and dust. Next, spend a few minutes inspecting the floor surfaces to make sure no spills have been made on the floors. To clean a stain, use a rag and dab of a hard floor cleaning product. Wipe away all stains using a certified hard floor surface cleaner. You can find a cleaner at your local hardware store or buy one from a professional floor care provider. Avoid using products that contain ammonia, citrus (lemon) , vinegar or oil soaps. These products can cause damage to your floors by eating away at the floor’s finish. Also, don’t use water on your hardwood floors; Water can warp hardwood floors and cause water stains over time. Stick to a reliable hard floor surface cleaner!
If you have a lot of foot traffic, children or pets, you may find that there will be more stains throughout your floor surfaces. This calls for floor cleaning to take place on a daily basis. Remember to always use the proper hard floor cleaning product and tools.
Also, you may consider hiring a professional cleaning service to care for your floors. If you have hardwood floors in the Boston, South Shore or Greater Boston, Massachusetts area, find out what kind of floor maintenance services Apple Corps can provide you with. We have 33 years of floor cleaning experience. Get a free quote today at http://www.applecleaning.com/3-minute-quote/floor-maintenance-quote