It is an absolute fact of life that people are going to come to work when they’re sick. Most people have a limited number of sick days, and they want to save them for when they really, really have to use them. This means that they’ll come in when they only have a few symptoms – a sore throat, maybe, or a fever and the sniffles. Unfortunately, this is often when they’re the most contagious.
To Flu Proof The Office – Keep It Clean
Cleanliness and sanitation are highly correlated. That’s why the CDC stressed, in its recent response to the Coronavirus, the importance of cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing the workplace environment. Especially critical are any hard surfaces that are regularly touched by multiple people – think door knobs, light switches, entranceway keypads, conference tables, hand rails, furniture, and bathrooms.
Commercial cleaning services in Randolph are available on an as-needed or ongoing basis. Most business owners find the benefits of securing professional cleaners on an ongoing basis far outweigh the expense. In addition to the obvious health benefits – and no one wants to deal with having their entire work force sick with the flu! – there’s the fact that businesses that are cleaned regularly look and smell better, which is important to customers.
Flu Proof the Office with a Culture of Clean
The decision to stay home from work when you’re not feeling well can be strongly influenced by your workplace culture. If everyone else is working 36 hours a day, 12 days a week, you may feel pressured to do the same – even though it’s humanly impossible. Changing the culture to be more reflective of healthy practices can be challenging. Office cleanliness is a good place to start. Even if you can’t get your visibly ill colleague to go home, you can model clean as you go behavior with disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizers.